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French sayings usualy have a meaning,
but I just found one for which I can find no explanation, except that of bringing up a smile:
On the first of January, bake two pancakes and you'll have money.
I'm still looking for the logic in that one! Pending that discovery...
pancake or no pancake,
may 2013 present you with
an adundance of joy and blessings...
And to help things a bit, I'd rather quote a 1st century Greek Philisopher you all know obviously (:-), Epictetus (author of "The Art of Living")
“Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to,
but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well”
What a program for an happy and healthy year 2013...
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For a lot of people, maybe for everybody, the initial reaction might be overwhelm, powerlessness, sadness, anger, resentment (why us?), despair. But beyond the shock of the diagnosis, as always, we have a choice: stay with the overwhelm and take this situation as a burden, or take it as a love challenge?
To be honest, I don't know what my own reaction would be, but I know what I would like it to be. I would like it to be just like Lou's parents. I don't know them or their story, but when I saw the video below, what I saw was a teenager. A different teenager, indeed. A teenager with a gift. We all have gifts. Our role is to find them and nurture them. In an ideal world, our parents, teachers, friends can show us how to do this and we can accept that guidance. What I see in that song is just that, the result of the perfect and loving match between parents and their child, creating a beautiful person, an opportunity for love and creativity.
It does take courage to get to such a result. Where could you find the courage, if it was not in love itself?
I don't know anybody who was not touched at some level when they listened to this song. Some cried, some just found it beautiful or thought provoking. If this triggers a reaction in you, I'd suggest tapping while watching it, and repeating the song until you clear whatever feelings were triggered.
Note we all react according to our own world. We might feel that our parents did not efficiently help us to nurture our gifts. Does it mean that they didn't give their best with their knowledge and abilities, emotional and otherwise? Plus, it takes two teams to play. What if we hadn't been ready to receive their nurturing at the time? Whatever others do, in the end, we are the only ones who can nurture our own gifts. So if you don't know your gift yet, or didn't dare nurturing it and giving it to the world, could now be a good time to find out and share? And by the way, there are as many gifts as there are human beings. That gives quite a large catalog to choose from! Some have the gift of listening to others, some have the gift to create joy around them, some have the gift to fix engines, some have the gift to organise things, some have the gift to cook... What's yours?
Many thanks to Lou for this beautiful song, words and music, and thanks to his parents and anybody who participated in creating the video and making it available to us across the language barrier.
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This step might be the biggest challenge. I am aware that this is the moment where some of you might think “no way” and choose to go away and see if there's any easier method out there. But this is also the time to open up to new possibilities.
So what is this all about?
After Step 1, where you celebrated last year's successes and good fortunes,
After Step 2, where you considered how powerful forgiveness and letting go can be,
After Step 3, where you designed your ideal future...
On Step 4, this is the time to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your success, whatever your objectives are. Amongst other things, taking full responsibility means that there is nobody and nothing to blame. Are you sure you are ready for this? Let's go! Here is the detailed version. You will find a couple of suggestions to make it easier to “digest”
Writing Down
Take a new piece of paper, make 2 columns. On the left, write down the 10 things you identifies yesterday, these 10 things you are ready to allow in your future.
On the right, write down all that “prevented you” so to achieve these objectives before now. When I say, ALL, it really does mean all : every single person, situation, past or present, emotions etc... If we use yesterday's examples it could be something like:
- Health: couldn't achieve it because of medical doctors/physicians, because of work, family stress, pollution, daily tiredness, it's because of the cancer that invaded your body, the tique that bit you, your cells that just won't function right...
- A peaceful family: of course you are ready for it, but this is all because of dad, mum, (whether they are still with us or not, by the way), because of a spouse or partner (or ex-spouse or ex-partner), because of a child, uncle, aunt, cousin...
- Financial peace: it couldn't improve because of banks and bankers, politicians, medias and news, government/administration, disease, worldwide crisis, everybody else spending your income including children or spouse/partner, and so on...
- Weight balance: couldn't get to your ideal weight because of age, available food, lack of exercise, disease, treatment side effects, past trauma, maybe because of yourself... ?
Be free with all of this, Only you will use this, so the more feelings and ideas you let out, the better.
Time to tap
So far, that was easy enough, that's where it gets really tough. Yes, all these people and situations definitely play a role in the life you live. But precisely... this is the life YOU live, nobody else does it for you. Taking full responsibility for your well being, means that it might be time to set all these “accused” and culprits free from your life, because it can set your life free of them... using.. forgiveness?!?!? Now is the time to benefit form the wonders of Ho'oponopono.
Take each of the culprits, and start tapping. One “accused” per point.
Mum, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Disease, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Banks, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
And so on....
I cannot say this!!!
I assume that some of these sentences got stuck in your throat, or are quite simply impossible to voice out. That's OK. Rome wasn't built in one day. The important point here if for you to open up to the possibility to be free of all these, one day.
You now have a list of topics that are sabotaging your life. You already knew some of these, others might not necessarily be part of your daily thoughts, but all, day in day out, are using up a little bit of the energy you could use to serve your well being. If you wish to redirect your energy in s different direction, this is the time to do it!
To make it easier to digest.
You could choose one of your dreams and tap on all the “culprits” which are linked to it, until you feel really free to let the dream happen.
You could choose one culprit/one dream, and to tap on this until you feel ready to get deeper on one particular dream... or culprit.
What now?
This step could be over in one hour, one day, one month, or even a whole year... Who knows. Can you imagine each of your 10 dreams becoming your reality? What would happen if, as C did, you moved away from the idea of the dream towards the reality of it, to the effortless certitude of what it feels like to live that dream in your reality?
This 4th step certainly isn't the end of your path, but it can help you to direct your steps towards your real wishes. You could use it to begin your PPP, a.k.a. Personal Peace Procedure, another way to set yourself free form your past to enjoy the present and built a better future. I'll get back soon to this topic.
You could also review these 4 steps in the coming weeks. Very time you will do this, new realisations might come to mind. New openings.
Pending this, I'm wishing you a year where your daily well being comes into your life.
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My thanks and gratitude go daily to EFT founder Gary Craig for making EFT so simple and accessible to olb, both because of its simplicity, and because he literally gave it out to the world through internet.
If you are reading this, you are probalby one of the thousands (millions?) around the world who benefited and benefit daily from it. It just makes sense to perpetuate the original idea and use EFT for humanitarian purposes.
I heard of many such actions, with either groups of practitioner going to war stricken countries, or doctors, nurses or psychologists using EFT as a part of their "toolbox". Unfortunately, very few are documented so far, that I know of.
The most documented project so far is Project LIGHT in Rwanda.
They are is using EFT to support healing AND the development of a sustainable future for genocide survivors.
They are currently on their 6th trip to Rwanda since 2011 and progress has been phenomenal.
To know more, watch this introduction, visit their Youtube channel for more videos and eextracts of the future documentary, or their website to participate.
You know of other humanitarian projects based on EFT?
Please contact me so we can help them to spread the word.
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Perfection can be seen as negative. Like when it prevents us from finishing something. (“I can't say it's finished, it's not perfect... Yet!”)
Perfection can be seen as positive. When we look at a perfect sunset, for example. We might even see it in people around us, within us maybe?
Obstinacy can be viewed as negative. Then it's called stubbornness.
Obstinacy can be viewed as positive. Then it's called persistence.
What about procrastination, then? Don't tell me we can see procrastination as positive? Well, I'd say so.
Clearly, procrastination can be seen as negative. Particularly when it reminds us of all that we avoid doing, day after day, week after week, month after month (shall I continue?)
But procrastination can also be seen as positive. Think about it. What if it had something to teach us? What if it was protecting us from doing something that is not really right for us, or doing it in a way that is not right for us?
What if procrastination was a clue? What if it was telling us : “You have a choice here, do you know that? “
Let's talk about my newsletter.
I had initially decided to provide you with a case study, an FAQ (more specifically one answer!), a free script and maybe a blog every month.
Keen to be perfect, I may publish all of these... or none of them! (This way at least, I'm sure nothing is imperfect!). The result is that “bad procrastination” wins and the newsletter remains hidden, out of your reach!
My persistent-obstinacy means I still have the wish to provide you with all of this.
My stubborn-obstinacy tells me: “If you don't spend enough time getting it ALL ready and perfect, it won't be good enough”. “Bad-procrastination” wins and you see no newsletter for a while, again...
Where is “good-procrastination” in all this, then? You could argue about it. The time I didn't put into the newsletter went somewhere else. In the time spent with/for my clients, some time was used for my personal life too :-), for planting my vegetable seeds for this year, for preparing and participating in a French EFT Virtual Summit and answering questions from it. All answers that could be of interest to others, incidentally...
All this lead me to realise that yes, listening to you, this newsletter is a good idea, so I shall activate my persistent-obstinacy. On the other hand, observing my procrastination, I realised I have a really long list of topics for FAQs, tapping scripts and blogs, all of which could be made available to you fast enough, while case studies are much more time consuming and delay everything else. I have to confess that my “friend” Perfection is particularly active and stubborn when it comes to sharing someone's story, for this person's highest good as much as for the highest good of the readers with whom that person is willing to share her experience!
I therefore now choose to allow Persistent-Obstinacy to take over Stubborn-Obstinacy, and to contemplate the possibility of continuing this newsletter in a slightly less formal way, and continue to support you in exploring EFT in YOUR daily life, maybe with less regular case studies, but more regular information and tips.
Even though this solution is not perfect, and even though I'd like to take the time to send a regular, complete, perfect newsletter, I choose to thank Procrastination for opening my eyes to the perfection of my imperfections. And you know what? I still love and accept myself anyway, even with this imperfect solution!
Enough about me. This newsletter is for YOU. So here are a few topics for you to explore and tap on:
When are you experiencing stubborn-obstinacy, and when is it persistent-obstinacy?
When is perfection blocking you?
If your procrastination was directing your attention to a choice, what would that choice be?
Write down your answers, and see where tapping will lead you with this?
Thanks to my friends POP!
Tappingly yours.